Monday 2 March 2009

Putting the fire out..

The new year has so far been a bit of a bumpy road for me. Spendt practically all of January being ill - first a horrible influenza, then all sorts of nice little infections following in it's trail - all together a quite horrible way to start the year!
My boss hasn't handled the situation that well. I haven't been that happy at my current job for quite a while, there has been up's and downs (mainly to do with my boss!), but the up's have kept me going untill now.
When I left my husband at the end of last year, things started to go more down than up. I told my boss that because I had a lot going on on the home front, I would of course try to do my job as well as I could, but I would probably be a bit preoccupied now and again, and I hoped she would bear over with me. During December a few minor things started slipping, and I knew that a lot of it was because of my lack of control and commitment. When I got my new apartment in January and moved back into Copenhagen I finally felt I was ready to commit and get back in the game at work. I was however met with a 'crisis' meeting, where almost all of the managing parts of my job was taken away from me, and I was told, qoute: 'That I wasn't old enough to handle them'. I knew that it was my own fault, but I also felt that it was unfair not to give me a second chance to prove that I was back and ready for action, especially when I'd clearly stated what I had been going through. At the same time we had a horrible January with almost no clients, which resulted in my boss decieding to try to make our assitant, Carminda, go down in hours. Carminda wasn't interested in that, which I totally understand, because we all have to feed the monkey. When I got ill and was home sick, Carminda told me that my boss had asked her if she wanted my job, because she quote: 'Didn't know if she could count on me anymore!'. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! So, I'm apparently not allowed to get ill, because then I can't be counted on if I do?! I was also told off by my boss the second time I got ill, as if I chose to get ill?! Hell, I'm a Penicillin addict!! I usually never get ill, I think before January I've had a total of 3 sick days the almost three years I've been working for her. As soon as I was back at work she spun around again and wanted Carminda on part time. Last monday Carminda denied the part time offer and she was told that she had to resign her job, she wouldn't so she got fired. I was promised a follow up meeting at the 'crisis' meeting in January, and I had been trying to get it for the last 3 weeks, but my boss was always too busy. In the same time she had had 4 meeting with Carminda about her situation. Maybe it's just me, but If I owned a salon, and was about to let one of my employees go, I would probably make sure that my other employee (and manager, in my case) was happy. But maybe that's just me?!
So I quit my job Saturday. I've had enough of that circus! When I told her she responded that I had now cost her 250.000 kr because she probably had to close the salon now. How can I sleep at night?! (",) Well sweetie, that is the risk you take when you open up a business that you quite clearly aren't "old enough" to run!!
I don't know where I'm going from here right now, I have a 3 month resignation period that I have to survive first. I am of course hoping that she will let me go before that, but I'm not counting on it. If I have to stay the next 3 months, I'm thinking of taking a very long summer vacation, probably all of June and maybe July as well, and then I'll hopefully have a job of some kind lined up after that. Right now, this whole situation has really left me with no passion for hairdressing whatsoever, but I know that's just because of that bitch. I'm sure I'll find somewhere nice and cool to work. Atleast I know that I love working, I just need to figure out what I want to do, and where I want to be.
I'm taking my life to the cleaners, I want to be rid of arrogant manipulative people. Eventhough things are looking rather gloomy now, I know that it's for the best, and that this 'taking charge' thing feels pretty good! (",)