Monday 2 March 2009

Putting the fire out..

The new year has so far been a bit of a bumpy road for me. Spendt practically all of January being ill - first a horrible influenza, then all sorts of nice little infections following in it's trail - all together a quite horrible way to start the year!
My boss hasn't handled the situation that well. I haven't been that happy at my current job for quite a while, there has been up's and downs (mainly to do with my boss!), but the up's have kept me going untill now.
When I left my husband at the end of last year, things started to go more down than up. I told my boss that because I had a lot going on on the home front, I would of course try to do my job as well as I could, but I would probably be a bit preoccupied now and again, and I hoped she would bear over with me. During December a few minor things started slipping, and I knew that a lot of it was because of my lack of control and commitment. When I got my new apartment in January and moved back into Copenhagen I finally felt I was ready to commit and get back in the game at work. I was however met with a 'crisis' meeting, where almost all of the managing parts of my job was taken away from me, and I was told, qoute: 'That I wasn't old enough to handle them'. I knew that it was my own fault, but I also felt that it was unfair not to give me a second chance to prove that I was back and ready for action, especially when I'd clearly stated what I had been going through. At the same time we had a horrible January with almost no clients, which resulted in my boss decieding to try to make our assitant, Carminda, go down in hours. Carminda wasn't interested in that, which I totally understand, because we all have to feed the monkey. When I got ill and was home sick, Carminda told me that my boss had asked her if she wanted my job, because she quote: 'Didn't know if she could count on me anymore!'. WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! So, I'm apparently not allowed to get ill, because then I can't be counted on if I do?! I was also told off by my boss the second time I got ill, as if I chose to get ill?! Hell, I'm a Penicillin addict!! I usually never get ill, I think before January I've had a total of 3 sick days the almost three years I've been working for her. As soon as I was back at work she spun around again and wanted Carminda on part time. Last monday Carminda denied the part time offer and she was told that she had to resign her job, she wouldn't so she got fired. I was promised a follow up meeting at the 'crisis' meeting in January, and I had been trying to get it for the last 3 weeks, but my boss was always too busy. In the same time she had had 4 meeting with Carminda about her situation. Maybe it's just me, but If I owned a salon, and was about to let one of my employees go, I would probably make sure that my other employee (and manager, in my case) was happy. But maybe that's just me?!
So I quit my job Saturday. I've had enough of that circus! When I told her she responded that I had now cost her 250.000 kr because she probably had to close the salon now. How can I sleep at night?! (",) Well sweetie, that is the risk you take when you open up a business that you quite clearly aren't "old enough" to run!!
I don't know where I'm going from here right now, I have a 3 month resignation period that I have to survive first. I am of course hoping that she will let me go before that, but I'm not counting on it. If I have to stay the next 3 months, I'm thinking of taking a very long summer vacation, probably all of June and maybe July as well, and then I'll hopefully have a job of some kind lined up after that. Right now, this whole situation has really left me with no passion for hairdressing whatsoever, but I know that's just because of that bitch. I'm sure I'll find somewhere nice and cool to work. Atleast I know that I love working, I just need to figure out what I want to do, and where I want to be.
I'm taking my life to the cleaners, I want to be rid of arrogant manipulative people. Eventhough things are looking rather gloomy now, I know that it's for the best, and that this 'taking charge' thing feels pretty good! (",)

Sunday 22 February 2009


Last night I went to Fastelavns party at my friends Muffe and Louise Baby Lou's house. Fastelavn is kinda like Halloween, so it was a costume party, the big difference is that Fastelavn is a celebration of spring coming, and has a history of being a crazy party day.
Muffe and Louise's parties are legendary.. People really make an effort to dress up and the party itself is ususally pretty crazy! I went with my friend Zanne, dressed up as the twins from 'The Shining'. We have always been told that we look alike and we refer to eachother as our 'lost sister', so we might as well work with that for our costume. We started the night sweet, creepy and innocent, and at midnight we went into the garden and went nuts with theater blood! (",)
Anyways, here are a few pics from the party..

Monday 16 February 2009

You might be a redneck..

After a long blog silence I will try to get started again.. Yesterday morning a caught this movie called 'Blue Collar Comedy Tour - The movie'! I was almost falling of the couch laughing!
I'll give you the boring update of what has been going on later, but first enjoy this:

Wednesday 31 December 2008

The end of another year.. the beginning of something new!

After a long time of blog silence I will try to pick up where I left off.. There has been so many things going on for the last 3 weeks and I've hardly been at home, and when I have, I have been hungover! hahah.. It's hard to live the rock n' roll lifestyle, but hey, someone has to do it!
I had a few crazy party weeks before Christmas, and then had a quiet Christmas with my parents. None of us a really big fans of the whole Christmas stress, so we just had some good food and bought our own gifts, like we've done for the last few years! I know it's not very exciting, but at least you always get what you want.. I bought a skirt, a jacket and some new headphones. The day after Christmas was the most fun I've had in a long time.. We went for a long walk on the beach in the morning and then had a traditional Christmas lunch in the afternoon. Traditinal danish Christmas lunch of course includes snaps.. Probably one of the most dangerous drinks on the planet along with Tequila! Danes use it as an excuse during December to do all sorts of stupid stuff.. Like sleeping with your co-workers, cheating on your partner, getting into fist fights! Yes, I know we are a very sofisticated people! I must say that I really like snaps, its one of my favourites along with Champagne, Sake and Tequila, it's probably the best buzz I get. I become really happy and don't really feel that drunk, though I am, and denial is a wonderful thing when you are a bit of a control freak!
So back to the lunch, We started eating around 3.30 pm, and I was put to bed by my parents around 8 pm, after an hour of them having to listen to me being really setimental and loving! All thanks to the snaps, which I handle so well. I guess it was because me parents have really been there for me after my separation, and the snaps really wanted me to tell them! And when the snaps wants to say something, there ain't no stopping it!
Last night I went to this really cool new years party at my friends Linda and Kaspers place. I don't know them that well yet, but when they told me about the combination of people who where attending this party I was on my knees begging to go. It was 12 german punkers who were really bad at english, a few lesbians and topped with a sprinkle of creative computer geeks and a side of a really cool couple - a danish girl who lives in London with her japanse boyfriend, her english is really bad, and so is his, but they are just so in love eventhough they can't communitcate, and it's just SO cute! - To top it all off, Linda and Kasper live in an amazing apartment on the 6th floor with a view over the whole city, definetly the right place to see the fireworks at 12 a clock. So I HAD to go, atleast just to be a fly on the wall, a very well dressed and loud fly it turned out.
I spend the day shopping for a new dress, and ended up buying a lot more than that. Because of all the germans it was a vegetarian buffet for dinner and I had to cook something for that, and since the veggie kitchen is not where my strongest passion lies I just made a bulgur salad. I went in the afternoon to help Linda and Kasper, plus I also promised to use my makeup and hair skills on a few of the gals. We just hung out and had some champagne and I did Lindas and two really butch lesbians hair and makeup, one of them had actually never had eye makeup on, and became really scared of herself, it was really funny. Around 8 a clock people started arriving and we had some cocktails and had dinner. I must admit that I missed a bit of meat, but I survived. A lot of drinking followed, must admit that I was a bit dissapointed with the german crowd, that kept to themselves, but luckily the rest of the people were really nice and talkative and I had a good time. After midnight I took over the stereo in the hope of getting the party started with a good mix of rock classics and disco, but the germans had to go to another party and all of a sudden the rest of them wanted to go to a club as well. Linda and I decided that we weren't really up for going anywhere, we're both a bit afraid of fireworks and the chaos that usually ensues and a newyears night in Copenhagen. So we just had a lot of cocktails and went crazy to our common love of Suicidal Tendencies, Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer and Metallica. It was so perfect! I couldn't have had a better partner, who both shared a love of vodka and cranberry juice and late 80ies early 90ies Thrash. We collapesed around 5 in the morning and watched a bit of Mythbusters before we fell asleep.
Today I've spend eating leftovers from last night, and watching Family Guy and snoozing on the couch, It has been the perfect January 1st.
So far 2009 looks like it's gonna be an awesome year. I'm moving into my new apartment this weekend, it's nothing big or fancy, but it's really cheap, so I will have money to maintain my rock n' roll lifestyle and travel a bit. The most important thing is that it will me MY OWN place. I'm so sick ant tried of commuting 3 hours from my parents place to work and having to rely on my friends couches in the weekends. I'm sure that it's gonna be strange also, I've been living with someone for the last 5 years, and because I've been constantly around my friends and parents it hasn't really dawned on me that I'm alone. But I'm really excited about 'finding' myself again and getting into a daily routine of my own, I can feel that it's what I need to move on with my life.
I also still have the great job offer as color technician for Fudge that I have to sort out here in the beginning of January. We've been having a few meetings about it, but I need to be approved by the nordic boss, and he should be coming to Copenhagen soon. So we'll see how that goes, would be nice with an extra income in these slow times.
And in to weeks I'm going to Amsterdam for the first time to meet up with my good friend Ed, and have a bit of fun, heavy drinking and some more rock n' roll lifestyle.. I don't think we will smash the hotel room, but you never know!
So all in all, life is sweet.. 2009 is here to be abused and punished! (",)

Tuesday 9 December 2008

What Katie Did.. or Didn't!

You can find anything on You Tube when you're bored and cruising around.. I stumbled upon this very nice little commercial video from my favorite lingerie shop in London - What Katie did! Now I love the fact that the whole thing is soo natural.. NOT! And I'm left wondering why I don't get that kind of service when I'm there! Hahah..
Not very PG 13, but enjoy (It surely made me laugh!)!

Monday 8 December 2008

The True Colors Reception.. That turned into a rather sad night!

On Saturday my bosses opened this new clothes shop called 'True Colors' (Spend a week singing the song every time I was near them just to annoy them! heheh!) and the reception was held Saturday afternoon. There was free beer on the tap and loads of people.. To begin with too many people for my taste! But within a few hours everyone seemed to have other plans and left, so it was only the hardcore crowd of employees and close friends left. My friend Tine was there, and she was really drunk, I think she had been out till late the night before and only needed a few drinks to get the party started all over again! Now, I had done her hair earlier in the week, and we had talked about going out after the reception and that I could sleep on her couch if we would. We had also talked about one of her friends called Alex, who I think is kinda cute, but never met properly. So Tine had apparently been out with Alex the night before and totally sold me out.. GOD!!.. So Alex according to Tine, apparently thinks I have nice eyes and would like to meet me. I was SOOO being set up, and it was SOOO unfair!! Everything just turned into a teenage scandal of the worst kind, Tine even sent a picture of me to the poor guy via her phone! So Tine and some other people decide to go to this rock bar called 'Valhalla' and Carminda (my hairdressing sidekick!) and I are not quite ready to go so we tell them that we will catch up with them, and I tell Tine to text me if they decide to go somewhere else. We stay and enjoy the free beer and the company, our bosses are always fun when they have +2 beers in them, so it's all good! I hear nothing from Tine and a few hours later Carminda, this guy Mikkel and I head to Valhalla. When we arrive, the place is dead, except for a few people including Alex and his friends.. But no Tine!!.. Which means no couch! We later find out that Tine has been sent home because she was too drunk!.. and it only gets better when I realize that I forgot my wallet at the Salon! After Tine's set up I'm way to embarrassed to go say hi to Alex and I don't think he sees me, because he and his friends leave shortly after we've arrived. Carminda leaves as well, because she wants to go home to her boyfriend and Mikkel is calling his buddy to drop by. Luckily one of my clients, Antje, gives me 200 kr so I can take a cab back to the salon.. When I get there the feeling of being an idiot is increasing by the minute! I find myself being too drunk to wanna go anywhere, and it's too late to take on the 2 hour night bus ride home. I decide to nap in the salon and wait for the morning train.. Now, we have two separate waiting chairs, so I push them together and 'lie' on them. It is extremely uncomfortable, but luckily the huge amount of alcohol consumed takes the top of things. But that is only till I wake up around 9 feeling like someone has beat me up and with a really sore throat to top things off!
Anyways, what a night.. I have to find my own place in town soon, I'm already tired of being depended on other people! It's one of the things I've never liked, I like to be in control, and I hate being depended! I can't wait for when I'm 'cat-sitting' for two of my American clients from the 21. Dec to 8. Jan, at least I'll have a place to come of to for a few weeks!

A Biohazard double shot..

Wednesday night Biohazard played in Pumpehuset in Copenhagen. It was my first official outing where I knew my ex would be there as well after our separation, so I was pretty nervous! Could turn out to be a pretty awkward night, so when I closed down the salon I had a few beers with my bosses just to take the top of the nerves.. I was going alone to the show, but I know a hell of a lot of people who was going as well, so it wasn't too bad. When I arrived the manager, John, in Pumpehuset greeted me warmly like always. John has been working in Pumpehuset in all the years I have been coming there, and has always been there taking care of my friend Rikke and I when we would get a bit too drunk and rowdy in our teens! But this night John gave me a few drink tickets when he heard what had happened with Brian and I.. He also offered to cancel Brian's name from the guest list, but I guess that would be going a bit too far! I hung out with a few friends and clients and had a few drinks.. There were two support bands, The Kind That Kills and Härde Tidar, who were both Swedish. Both bands were OK, but something was missing, they didn't really reach the crowd, and a lot of people - myself included - took off to the bar. Brian and his friend showed up and I must admit that he handled the situation very well.. We just had a beer and a casual chat. After Härde Tidar there was quite a long break, and I soon found out it was because Evan Seinfeld was in the bar drinking with his HA buddies. My good friend Martin 'Lovegun' showed up with his boyfriend (No, not really, but I always tease them with it!) Casper 'Snake Venom', they both look like they have escaped from a Mötley Crüe video and I find them hilarious! Lovegun runs and DJ's at this club event called 'ROCK THE NIGHT' here, which is super 80's sleaze event with strippers and fireworks, where Snake also DJ's. The pair of them really live the lifestyle full on, and are a walking cliche! Lovegun told me that he just had been interviewed for 'Ugens Rapport' which is a very old school titty magazine and of course we had to celebrate that with even more drinks!
When Evan finally left the bar around 10.30 I knew it was time to go upstairs and get a good spot. The show as awesome!! They played all the classics: 'Urban Discipline', 'Punishment', 'Five blocks to the Subway', you name it, they played it! Before the show, I really didn't know what to expect from the crowd, because, let's face it: We are all 10-15 years older, 10-15 kilos heavier and very likely to sprain something in a moshpit! And a good moshpit and stagediving used to be a big part of a Biohazard show... So to my great thrill, people really went for it! They even got a massive circle pit going, which is something Danish crowds always suck at! I spend the gig close to front, between my two sleaze buddies trying to protect myself from flying arms and legs, and screaming my lungs out! There were a few technical glitches during the show, but they played a tight set full of sing along hardcore classics, it was all that I hope for and then some! The highlight for me was when they finished off 'How it is' and 'Hold my own'.
After the show I was just left wanting more, so I went and asked their merch guy, Derrick, if the show in Malmö was sold out. He didn't know, but told me to hang out and then he would see if he could fix something. A little while later Billy came out and we talked for a while about this and that.. I've meet Billy on several occasions when Biohazard has been in Cph, and he's always been really nice. After catching up on what has been happening in his life since last time he asks: 'So what do you do for a living?!' Well, I'm a hairdresser.. 'Can you cut my hair?!'.. Ehhh.. Now!?.. That was when I realized this would be a very long night and switched from beer to water!! So after some more hanging out and about 2 liters of water I went with Billy and his guitar tech AJ, who is in Billy's other band Suicide City, and opened the salon for them! They both loved the salon and I played them some Pilgrimz and other Danish bands. I must admit that cutting hair at 3 am is not something I usually do, but it was a lot of fun and the guys really appreciated it! So I guess I really earned my spot on the guest list for the show in Malmö!
I missed my last night bus home and had to wait until 5.30 when the first trains started to run, got home at 6.15 in the morning and slept until 10. Luckily I didn't have clients in the salon before 1 pm, so I could take it easy. I spend most of the day calling up friends to find someone who wanted to go with me to Malmö, but it seemed like everyone was either December stressed, had plans already or just boring! (",) After the work I jumped on a train to Malmö, it takes around 30 min, and I arrived in Malmö around 8 pm. Went by my friend Josh, who works in this bar at the Savoy Hotel, and he fixed me a few really good drinks, and also offered a couch to sleep on later (I probably looked like I needed it!).
When I arrived a KB, there were almost no people and it turned out that they almost hadn't sold any tickets, so Härde Tidar who were from Malmö had gotten an open guest list for the show.. They had a lot of what I usually call 'Smelly' punk friends, which is basically is punks who take pride in not showering! Not my cup of tea, I must say.. having had the 'pleasure' of doing hair on a few of these types I know up close and personal how they smell, and let's not forget, what 'lives' on them and in their dreadlocks. I know I sound really snobby, I just can't handle people with no personal hygiene! But I had timed my arrival so that Härde Tidar was just finish up and I talked a bit to merch guy Derrick while I waited for the show. I must say that I found Derrick a really sweet guy.. One of the few living gentlemen left, stuck in the body of a 26 year old. The whole scenario of being surround by smelly punks talking to this gentleman was kinda funny!
Before the show started I said hi to Billy and AJ, and was asked if I wanted to see the show from the side of the stage.. Why the hell not!!?.. So I right besides Danny's drumkit watching the first half of the show. It was quite cool to see that guy pound away, he is definitely a hard hitter and very tight as well. The only annoying thing was that there was this drum tech roadie guy who was really disgusting who kept hitting on me with all the crap pick up lines in the book (Being off the market for a few years, I desperately hoped these things had changed, but no!), so after half an hour I went out front again. Biohazard seemed to play a tighter show than the night before, I don't know if it was because they were working harder to win over the small crowd or because it was more intimate, but they certainly seemed more fired up. The set was almost the same, full of classics, just a bit shorter than i Cph, but I guess that was because of the lack of people! After the show I hung out and talked to Derrick for a while and then went back to the Hotel Savoy where Josh was closing up the bar. After picking on his very young and cute employee for a while we took a cab to his place where we had a few beers and obsessed a bit over our shared Trent Reznor fascination. I finally passed out around 5 am, and slept until 8 am.. and then back to work!!
So Friday seemed like a very long work day, but I got through it! I guess my body is not 15 anymore, but I sure had fun! It's so nice just getting out there and doing what you feel like and not having to answer to anyone.. I missed it!