Monday 8 December 2008

The True Colors Reception.. That turned into a rather sad night!

On Saturday my bosses opened this new clothes shop called 'True Colors' (Spend a week singing the song every time I was near them just to annoy them! heheh!) and the reception was held Saturday afternoon. There was free beer on the tap and loads of people.. To begin with too many people for my taste! But within a few hours everyone seemed to have other plans and left, so it was only the hardcore crowd of employees and close friends left. My friend Tine was there, and she was really drunk, I think she had been out till late the night before and only needed a few drinks to get the party started all over again! Now, I had done her hair earlier in the week, and we had talked about going out after the reception and that I could sleep on her couch if we would. We had also talked about one of her friends called Alex, who I think is kinda cute, but never met properly. So Tine had apparently been out with Alex the night before and totally sold me out.. GOD!!.. So Alex according to Tine, apparently thinks I have nice eyes and would like to meet me. I was SOOO being set up, and it was SOOO unfair!! Everything just turned into a teenage scandal of the worst kind, Tine even sent a picture of me to the poor guy via her phone! So Tine and some other people decide to go to this rock bar called 'Valhalla' and Carminda (my hairdressing sidekick!) and I are not quite ready to go so we tell them that we will catch up with them, and I tell Tine to text me if they decide to go somewhere else. We stay and enjoy the free beer and the company, our bosses are always fun when they have +2 beers in them, so it's all good! I hear nothing from Tine and a few hours later Carminda, this guy Mikkel and I head to Valhalla. When we arrive, the place is dead, except for a few people including Alex and his friends.. But no Tine!!.. Which means no couch! We later find out that Tine has been sent home because she was too drunk!.. and it only gets better when I realize that I forgot my wallet at the Salon! After Tine's set up I'm way to embarrassed to go say hi to Alex and I don't think he sees me, because he and his friends leave shortly after we've arrived. Carminda leaves as well, because she wants to go home to her boyfriend and Mikkel is calling his buddy to drop by. Luckily one of my clients, Antje, gives me 200 kr so I can take a cab back to the salon.. When I get there the feeling of being an idiot is increasing by the minute! I find myself being too drunk to wanna go anywhere, and it's too late to take on the 2 hour night bus ride home. I decide to nap in the salon and wait for the morning train.. Now, we have two separate waiting chairs, so I push them together and 'lie' on them. It is extremely uncomfortable, but luckily the huge amount of alcohol consumed takes the top of things. But that is only till I wake up around 9 feeling like someone has beat me up and with a really sore throat to top things off!
Anyways, what a night.. I have to find my own place in town soon, I'm already tired of being depended on other people! It's one of the things I've never liked, I like to be in control, and I hate being depended! I can't wait for when I'm 'cat-sitting' for two of my American clients from the 21. Dec to 8. Jan, at least I'll have a place to come of to for a few weeks!


Tinepigen said...

Pyhha, det lyder hårdt!! Men jeg troede jo du havde svigtet mig og var taget på Faust!!! Receptionen var kun til kl 20... troede jeg!! Og jeg gik nu hjem helt frivilligt - såeh.... men det er da en omér!!!


Miss On Fire said...

Vi tager en OM'er!! You just say when sweetie!!!

Zakdaddy said...

Just one of those nights huh!:D

Miss On Fire said...

Yes, tell me about it!!! heheh..