Sunday 7 December 2008

I'm spendt..

It's been such a long week with so many things happening and almost no sleep.. So now I will count the pretty little fluffy sheep that are dancing behind my eyelids. I guess being so worn down by a few days of partying is a sign that I'm getting older.. uhhh! The recovery period seems so much longer and my body is also mixing in a few flu signs just to top it off! But I'll fill you in on my escapades tomorrow when I wake up (hopefully) well rested..

1 comment:

Zakdaddy said...

I think we've all been there & done that!:D So how was the show, I was gonna go last night but I honestly couldn't be bothered, shame on me! I saw them in 2004 or so last at a festival we were also playing, hell I even played basketball with Evan backstage:D