Monday 1 December 2008

It's a new dawn, it's a new day..

My little blog here has been a bit slow because there is so much going on at the moment! So I will bring it up to speed..
I am now officially separated from my husband, the papers came through on Thursday, and we're not being reviewed by the state or any of that horrible stuff.. I Denmark you first file for separation and then you can get divorced after 6 months if you both agree, if you don't you have to wait another 6 months. But the separation means you are not financially depended anymore, you just can't get re-married until you are divorced (Like that is gonna happen!!). In the separation you have to agree on a lot of different terms, that also count when you get to the divorce. Since Brian and I didn't really 'own' anything (other than stuff!), and didn't have kids, it was kinda easy to agree. So that came through on the terms that Brian keeps the apartment and I get to keep my savings.
Yesterday we split up the place, which is probably one of the hardest things I have done, going through your DVD's and stuff.. And you know that it's just stuff! But, it's stuff that you bought together to enjoy together and splitting it is a very sad and overwhelming thing! I felt like such an ass coming in there and tearing stuff off the shelves, but tried to think of the fact that I have no furniture whatsoever and no real place to live.. I know it sounds really stupid, but that is what I needed to do to be able to run off with the 'stupid' DVD's! In the end, I don't think any of the stuff is really of any value.. Something has 'died' and stuff don't count for nothing! So I spend my afternoon going between extremely emotional and egotistic bitch.
Today my very helpful parents and I rented a car and moved the stuff to their house. It ended up being 6 boxes a few bags, my bass, bike and skis. It is really surreal to have your 'life' boxed like that.. and the fact that I couldn't even fill half a Mercedes Vito was kinda disappointing! I had to do most of the heavy lifting because my parents a getting to the age where they are starting to need spare parts and a major service check, so I guess it was fine that there wasn't too much to carry (I'm sure my legs and arms will agree in the morning!). Everything went smoothly and I have to say that it was such a relief to be able to be out of there and throw the keys in the letterbox when we were done. This afternoon has been devoted to unpacking and finally getting settled at my parents house. It's temporary, until if find the right thing to live in, but I want to feel at home as long as I'm here, and luckily my parents have a huge house where I can have the basement all to myself.
So today, December 1st, is the day where I can finally start over, and try to figure out what I'm gonna do with my new found 'freedom'. I have a lot of future plans that I want to turn into reality. Work wise I'm probably gonna try to apply for jobs in London, like I always dreamed of when I was just starting out as a hairdresser. I am extremely picky and the salons I want to work in can be counted on one hand. I think I have a lot to offer, and that it is the right time, but I'm not gonna work anywhere, just to go to London, it has to be one of the top places.
I also got a very cool job offer last week that I'm considering, as color technician for Fudge (the brand that I work with) in the Cph area. It would mean that apart from my normal salon job, I would go out and teach some nights and do events.. All stuff that I love to do! It would mean some extra work but also some extra pay, and I would probably have a lot of fun doing it. I will be working with their sales rep here in Cph, and she is this very sweet, very shy, country girl (So not cut out for the Cph market!), and I think we could be a really cool team! I could be nerdy, crazy, tattooed, bad cop-girl and she could be the sweet good cop! So we have to see if that falls through.. I find it very strange/funny that she chooses to offer me a job like this with my current personal situation, if one believed in fate, this would be it!
On a personal level, I'm looking forward to doing a lot of travelling. There are so many cities in Europe that I haven't been to yet, that are perfect for extended weekend stays. My first mission is Amsterdam in January, which I am sure will be very cool. I hope I can get away every 2-3 months on a little extended weekend. Next on my list are Stockholm, Berlin and maybe I will go rape Iceland (have been there, beautiful country, love it) in the summer, they are so begging for it right now! heheh..
So short term, I on paper have a very cool week coming. Going out to dinner with Louise tomorrow, Seeing Biohazard on Wednesday and hopefully getting a hold of the guys and getting on the list for the show in Malmø on Thursday with Sanne. I don't think one show with the original lineup is quite enough for me, they are such an awesome live band and since they are supposed only to play songs from their first 3 albums, it will be like travelling back to teenage-heaven for me! (",) Saturday my bosses are opening up a new shop and having a reception with free beer (YEAH! Still works for me!) and Sunday, Keith and I are gonna be corny and go to the amusement park Tivoli and hold hands (Right Keith!?!? (",)).. I forgot how stressing it is to be single! The weeks just seem to fill up by themselves, but I'm loving it (In a very non-McDonald's sort of way!).


Zakdaddy said...

Shit, I can totally understand that you've been too busy to think about a stupid fucking blog, anyway I'm glad to hear that you're done with the paperwork, the emotional part is surely the hardest work though! It is funny how greedy we humans become when it's time to split things up, as if a CD, DVD or whatever was irreplaceable, they're just pieces of plastic damnit but it's the memories we have that are connected to them that make it hard! Anyway despite your world being a bit awkward at the moment you seem to have alot going for you so whichever road you choose to take I get the feeling you'll have a blast, good luck & have fun bad cop:D

Miss On Fire said...

Thank you so much! I know it will be a blast.. so clear the landing space! heheh.. But the hardest part is over now, and that's really a relief! I'm sure I'll maybe even have a good nights sleep tonight!?! We'll see.. At least I know I have made the right decision, I can feel it in my gut.. and that makes everything a bit easier! Still feel like an complete bastard every time I see my ex though, he's so hurt and down, and everything in me wants to comfort him, I'm just not the person to do that.. Can't just turn feelings off for someone even though the love and passion is gone!.. Ohh well.. enough blah from me.. I can blah-on forever.. Just nice to vent a bit I guess! (",)