Sunday 30 November 2008


'My wife really wants a kid, but I haven't got the energy to impregnate her womb, when all of my energy goes to being and accoutant and having lots of sex with African prostitutes.. How much for your baby?'
'I know what you're thinking. She's a model, and I'm a jelly fish. But we compliment each other perfectly! I've got no bones - she's got nothing but bones!'
'After yet another unbearably stupid move, Bernie becomes the victim of a mutiny'
'The financial crises hits every aspect of the realty market'
'Listen, lady, I don't eat bread anymore, I'm on Atkins... So how about you run home and come back with a steak or a nice plate of crispy bacon..'
'The demand for ever-funnier home videos pushes boring families to extreme measures'
'I think this relationship is going to be too complicated. You know, I'm a vegan, and you are..'

You can find more here..

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