Sunday 23 November 2008

A hectic week..

I am finally home again, after a long week of work and fun! It became winter this week, it went from rainy and windy to freezing and snowing, and I love it! I'm currently staying at my parents house because of my divorce. It's really nice of them to have a 27 year old teenage in their house again, and so far it's been very easy. I try to spend half my time here and half my time with friends in Copenhagen. I don't want to be too much of a pain in the ass for either! My parents live an hour and twenty minutes by train and bus from Copenhagen. It has been a really hard transition for me, who has been used to a 10 min. bike ride! But I actually really enjoy the train ride, I can listen to music, read and knit obsessively (to Slayers 'Reign in blood'! YEAH!).. It's the bus I have a problem with!! After 7 pm it runs once and hour.. Tuesday night I spend 30 min in the blistering cold waiting for the bus. That can turn you pretty grumpy! But I guess it's only a question of timing, but timing has never been one of my strong suits!!
Anyways, Wednesday I spend my evening filling out divorce papers with my soon to be ex-husband. That was a pretty strange, uncomfortable evening, but it was also a major relief! It's been 4 weeks now since I left him, and I've had this divorce 'splitting' things evening in the back of my head constantly. I haven't been able to sleep properly because of it and it was starting to wear me down. But things went as smooth as they could. I was the one who left and made the decision, but that really doesn't make it any easier. I've had to keep pushing to get things moving and I've felt like such and ass! You don't just turn 6 years of loving and caring for someone 'off' over night. But I know it is the right thing for me, and that it what is most important. Luckily none of us want to fight over our things, I guess we are both too hurt to want to fight, and there are no parades to block with anymore!
With that settled and done I've sleep like a baby since! It's been so nice..
Thursday I want out with my friend Sanne after work and had a few drinks and stayed at her couch overnight. It's really nice staying at her and her husbands flat. They are really cool people and they treat me like I'm their kid when I'm there. I get told to remember to brush my teeth and I almost get tucked in! hahaha.. They are the sweetest and most loving people I know! I find them a blast because the both look so cool.. they have the coolest tattoos, the do the coolest things (Shes a clothes designer, he plays guitar in Pligrimz), they listen to the coolest music, they have the coolest home.. and then when you get to know them, they are so opposite to everything you think they are! Sanne loves to cook, bake and pickle and Aage spends his nights watching NBA online.. and they drink herbal the instead of beer! hahah.. They are just geeks in a really cool package!.. and I love it!
Friday night was spend home at my parents doing as little as possible, I didn't get home until 8.30 pm, been having some hectic work days in the salon.
Yesterday when I got off from work I picked up A LOT of sushi and went to my friend Louise and her husband Muffe's house. Louise is my dear friend and tattoo artist, who I don't think needs any further introduction. Her husband Muffe owns a piercing shop called Copenhagen Body Extremes and used to scare the living crap out of me (follow the link and you'll see why!).
Muffe doesn't eat sushi so he just watched while Louise and I stuffed our faces. They have this really cool house where people just drop by and hang out, so you never know who'll pop by when you are there. A guy called Lars came by later, he and Muffe was in the founding group of the original 'Youth house' (Ungdomshuset) in Copenhagen, which has now been cleared out, you can find a bit of the story here. I just love to hear the tales of the early years of Ungdomshuset, from these people who are so passionate an who have been ignored by the politicians for so many years. I didn't sympathize with they way the younger generation of Ungdomshus-users treated the whole clearing (trashing half the city!), but I still think that the house should never have been sold to those Christian-Nazis, and that Copenhagen needs a Youth house!
When Lars went home we watched 'Charlie Wilsons war' and 'No country for old men'. I really liked 'Charlie Wilsons war' even though it was with Tom Hanks who I usually hate! What carried the movie for me was yet another brilliant performance by Philip Seymore Hoffmann who is always really cool. I must admit that we all feel asleep to 'No country for old men', and that didn't make it less confusing! I will give it another shot some other time, and preferably before 2 am.
So altogether it's been a busy but really nice week.. The one approaching doesn't look like it's gonna be quiet either, but I like to keep busy. so bring it on!

Soundtrack this week (Has been a bit retro actually!):
Clutch - 'Blast Tyrant' (obsessing over 'The mob goes wild')
White Zombie - 'Astro-Creep: 2000'
Alice in Chains - 'Dirt'
Eagles of Death Metal - 'Heart on' (obsessing over 'Wannabe in LA')
Just Jack - 'Outer Marker' (obsessing over 'Snowflakes'
The Haunted - 'Versus'
Bioharzard - 'State of the world address' (Getting ready for the gig on 3. Dec.)


Anonymous said...

I had no idea Ungdomshuset had a Wikipedia page!! I remember the riots - I was trying to sell my Noerrebro flat at the time...

And "No Country For Old Men" is an excellent movie, but don't expect it to be any clearer on a second viewing, no matter what time of day.

Miss On Fire said...

Yes, I know, we actually watched it - or tried - because of your recommendation! Louise's dog kept snarling at that creepy guy with the air pressure gun! hahahah..