Sunday 16 November 2008

Working 9 to 5..

Today was my last day of holiday and I'm going back to work tomorrow.. and I can't wait!! I've had 10 days off because of the eye surgery, I didn't know how I would react to the surgery and that it would be such a quick recovery.. and you really DON'T want a hairdresser who can't see!!
I usually work 9-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. Having so much time off is not something I usually do, and especially not without travel or any plans. It has actually been a bit horrible to be honest! I like being busy and I love my job! It's a blessing to have a job that is actually also your passion and interest, so you don't really think of it as 'work'. Of course there are days where you're not as well rested, hungover, ill, fucked up, where it can be a long day, but I've found out that it's also what you make of it. If you show that you're grumpy, you get grumpy clients and co-workers.. and with just a little bit of effort, a day that could have been hell, can turn out really fun!
I have one other hairdresser and two teenage helpers in the salon. As manager it is my responsibility to make everything run smoothly and after schedule, so I have all these really cool functions I can do apart from just cutting and coloring my own clients. I can be 'mother hen' (especially with the two teens!), I can be the 'bad cop' (sometimes you just need to put your foot down!!), but I can also set the mood in the salon! With my extremely silly and bad sense off humor, it's so much fun to take a bad day and turn it into a good! I usually pick a lot on my dear assistant hairdresser, Carminda, she's half Sicilian (!), so a good way of turning her mood around is stuff like singing the godfather theme every time I pass her in the salon or tell her clients that if they don't like their haircut, they will find a horses head in their bed the next morning! That usually gets her going, and the fun and the energy start! We have a very non-P.C. tone in the salon and I love it! We get a lot of really young clients because we do crazy hair and we are located next to an alternative record shop and clothes shop (Sex Beat Records and Black no. 1, who also own the salon together!).. and I love to fuck with these teens! I still remember how it was in that age, it couldn't be underground enough, politically correct enough and so on.. Getting a kid like that in the chair and telling them your true passion is everything by Britney, and go on about how you love raw meat and fur should only come from baby seals that have been slowly clubbed to death (I hope all see the humor here!), is just SOOOO much fun!!.. and they end up loving you for it! Cos in the end, it's all about putting on a show.. and I know there are a lot of hairdressers out there who cut hair (almost.. heheh!) as well as I do! I just try to make people remember me.. So that they hopefully come back for another 'experience'!

Anyways.. Enough work! I had a pretty cozy day.. Went for a second eye check up, and everything looks fine. Then I drove with my parents to get a new coffee maker.. Cos with all the coffee being consumed after I joined the household again, the old one was getting tired!
It was beautiful weather so we drove up the north coast on the way home looking over at our nice Swedish neighbours. I just had my Ipod on 11 the whole trip, listening to Girl Talk 'Feed the Animals' that I downloaded last night (what a fun record!), L.O.C's 'Melankolia/XXX Couture' and a mix of random metal stuff: Alice in Chains, White Zombie, Tool and so on.. and I just daydreamed a bit, which is something I spend quite a fair amount of time on!
Tonight I'm cooking dinner for my parents (I'm such a good girl!) , so I better get off my ass and start preparing!

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