Tuesday 2 December 2008

I'm gonna turn 15 years old around 21.30 tomorrow!

I'm so excited about seeing BIOHAZARD tomorrow.. They have always been a brilliant live act, and I was sooooooo into them in my teens.. I even had their logo done on my wall in my teenage room by some graffiti guy, and my parents haven't had the heart to paint it over, so it's still there! I'm really looking forward to seeing them with the original lineup reunited and only playing songs from the first 3 albums.. It's probably gonna send me down teenage memory lane! Hope it still works for me.. If it does, I'll go to Malmø and see them on Thursday, just for the heck of it!
I just wish that I could be a big motherfucker of a guy with tattoos all over for a few hours so I could be in the pit and break shit.. and singing along to that type of music just works a lot better for guys, it's just NOT FAIR! I just feel like such and ass standing there screaming along with my high voice!! 'PUNISHMENT!!'.. heheh..

1 comment:

Zakdaddy said...

Hope you have fun & enjoy a sweet trip down memory lane, they were definitely always better live than on album IMHO! Anyway I'd love to see the graffiti on your wall, a snapshot maybe?