Thursday 13 November 2008

Norman Rockwell Revisited..

My wonderful tattoo artist, Louise 'Baby Lou' Rimpler and I did this tribute to a classic Norman Rockwell painting called 'The Tattooist'.. It's gonna be the new flyers for her tattoo parlour, and since it's a girls place, we wanted to show that girls can be sailors too! (",)
We also did this very silly one.. heheh.. It was definetly my alter 'trucker' ego coming out! We did like 80 takes of it, and they were all good! As soon as she drew those tacky tattoos on me and I put on that outfit I was transformed!


Zakdaddy said...

Ah you've got the blog fever, you wanna post something all the time huh:D Anyway I'd love to see some bigger pics of your tats, these ones are much too small to view properly

Miss On Fire said...

Yeah.. I'm just so bored!! haha.. I have 'holiday' because of the eye surgery, and I'm supposed to take it easy! It's not really my cup of tea!!
All of the tattoo's that you can see on those pictures are just drawn ons.. they are all really ugly 80ies stuff.. But louise have done my entire back, it's so beautiful! I'm still working on ideas for the 'front' but it's so hard cos you have to look at them yourself! heheh.. But I'm thinking of getting the classic swallows, but just done completely Disney 'Ciderella' style..

Zakdaddy said...

Hey I'm constantly bored as you must have noticed by now as I've already commented way too much on your blog:D Just draw ons huh, ok well then forget it, thought they were the real deal! Go with the swallows, sounds nice, one day I'm gonna get some more random tats done on me, just gotta come up with some stuff that's silly & ugly enough first;D